Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Results of Qualifying Round; G.O.Y. Update

Below (1st chart) is the final result of the 2Q'08 Tournament's Qualifying Round. This slightly differs from what was announced right after the game last Sunday. There were discrepancies noted in some of the individual scoresheets vs. flight scorecards. Where discrepancies were noted, the flight scorecards were followed.

In the middle part of the 1st chart are the GOY points earned by each player, ranked based on the Stableford points. On the right side are the Quarter-Final Matches to be held this coming Sunday.

International betting (and the GOY point system) will continue for everybody this coming and subsequent Sundays, including those in the quarter-final matches, until the Champion is determined.

GOY points to be awarded for the 2Q'08 Tournament, based on our existing rules, are as follows:
> 20 pts - Champion
> 15 pts - Runner-up
> 10 pts - 3rd Place
> 8 pts - 4th Place
> 6 pts - 5th Place